Tuesday, February 1, 2011


There is a online parenting community to which I belong.  There are many groups within that community and one is specifically for single parents.  I have found over the last 19 months of single-parenthood that I have little or nothing in common with many of the single mothers in that group.  Today I made the momentous decision to cut the cord that is the Single Mom Group.

I have questioned, over the last 19 months, why the only topics that can be discussed on the aforementioned board include the hatred of the following:  the ex.  The baby-daddy.  The ex's family.  Custody battles.  The ex's lawyer.  Being tired.  Being poor.  Being alone.  Being celibate.  Working.  Depression.  Kids that get on the nerves.

So, in celebration of being a single mother, I will shout from the rooftops that I love, love, LOVE! being a single mother.  I love the screaming toddler.  I love cuddling with my sweet boy after a long day at work.  I love the dishes, the laundry, the mess, the diaper changes, the tantrums, the bills, the stress, the sleepless nights.  I love it all.  I wouldn't trade it for the world.

There were days that I would reach my level of stress.  One day, I stepped outside my meager, small apartment to have some peace.  Then, I realized that this is the life that I was born for.  I could choose, yes, choose, to be stressed or revel in every minute of this life with my beautiful boy.

I chose that day to fix his Thomas the Tank Engine fourteen, fifteen, sixteen times and not lose patience.  I lay on the floor with my son and played.  I was the bossy engine, Spencer, and we played and played and played.

My own single mother who raised ten children alone once said, "Our lives are a culmination of our choices."  After she passed away, I have thought that phrase nearly every day.  I am where I am because of my choices in my life.

I chose to eat poorly and not exercise, so therefore, I am overweight.  I chose the career field that I work in, so I am stuck in a field that may never pay well.  I chose to being a single mom, therefore, I am that choice and everything that comes with it.  I can choose to be upset about it, but in the end, it is my own choice.

And it is my choice to react how I will.

I choose JOY!